State of the Nation reports 2019-2023

  • Printed & digital pdf reports

  • Animations for social media posts

  • Posters & post cards as events materials

  • Online event promotion graphics

  • Shared with the Senedd and on ITV Wales prime time news

Welsh Government has set out a clear ambition for Wales to become a world leader for gender equality, and the Gender Equality Review completed in 2019 outlines how this vision can be made a reality.

On an annual basis, the State of the Nation reports revisit and asses progress towards a fairer Wales where women can achieve and prosper.

This year is the fifth year I have been designing these reports, and has culminated in a 5 year review document in addition to the annual report.

Produced in English and Welsh.

With a document so full of important statistics and facts, its imperative that I keep the readers engaged through creating visually appealing data representations - in graphs, or broken down into infographics, as well as creating divides and sections of text. Implementing some fluid design elements to help encourage a flow, to ensure that the important information gets all the attention it needs and crucial information can be brought to the fore.

The reports are produced for print and digitally online, they’re taken to the Senedd at annual events and discussions surrounding progress and need for change.

Standing out from the crowd

Competing for attention on social media can be a challenge - it was really important to represent the statistics and facts to the audience, but a still graph alone wasn’t going to achieve that. Taking things a step further, I animated the graphs to catch attention and help create discussion points around important pieces of research.

In addition to the printed reports and social media, we make sure the report can be accessed online for anyone to read at any time.

Supporting materials for events including infographic posters and postcards for event attendees to take away with them. These materials have also been used as general brand awareness regarding education and the mission for a gender equal Wales.

Getting the message out there


FOR Cardiff


Chwarae Teg